Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"Paper-less translates to productivity plus"

Sandra Mingail published an interesting article on paperless lawyering on the Canada Law Book website. She quotes the 2006 Legal Technology Survey Report which found that "approximately 61 per cent of lawyers save printed hard copies of client-related emails"! Now that's understanding technologies and, for Quebec lawyers, the Loi concernant le cadre juridique des technologies de l'information! I even know of law firms who have a WRITTEN policy that forces lawyers to print all electronic documents that relate to a file...

Yesterday, I gave a course on E-discovery at the Université de Montreal. Daniel Poulin invited me (thanks Daniel: excellent experience!!) at his DRT 6923 - Technologies de l'information et droit I class to teach about the implications of technologies on litigation and the law, and vice versa. I spent the last 30 minutes discussing about paperless lawyering and judging. If there is one thing I hope the students remember it is, at the very least, not to print e-documents (e-mails)!!

If you are interested in going paperless, have a look at my previous posts on the topic.

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