Thursday, March 22, 2007

Google Docs, Wikis and other Web Tools -- Collaborating with Clients and Colleagues

Rick Klau and Steve Nipper of the Invent Blog started the day with "Google Docs, Wikis and other Web Tools -- Collaborating with Clients and Colleagues". It was an eye-opener on different collaboration tools.

Much time was spent on the majors: Skype, Googledocs,, etc. You can have access to all the websites referred to during this conference right here.

I also use these excellent tools and still stresses about the impact they will have on E-discovery. A guy asked exactly that question and the answer he got was roughly: "According to you, how would react Google if they received a subpoena as a third party?" I can't agree more that they couldn't care less! I remember hearing someone from saying they were receiving tons of subpoena to which they never give suit...

I would have liked to here about the unknown stuff as well as about the impacts of these tools on privilege and privacy.

Nevertherless, Kudoz guys, a good warm-up for the day!

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