Simon Fodden tagged me in the "5 things you didn't know about me" game... I feel like I am 5 years old and love it!! Thank you so much Simon, this is my best Christmas gift!
1) I once was a hippie: spending my summers in BC, between Hornby Island and the Okanagan Valley, breathing the West green air while feeling the breeze in my long hair and beard (that I still have, in a shorter version though...);
2) I almost became an artist: I wanted to study theatre (which my parents STRONGLY opposed) and played in numerous pieces, amongst which I impersonated Olivine Dubuc (an old women) in Les belles-soeurs de Michel Tremblay;
3) Naturally, before being a hippie (hair are part of both cultures apparatus), I was a head banger (yeah, that explains it all!), listening to the rhythms of Megadeth, Slayer, Suicidal Tendencies, etc.;
4) I am a drummer and percussionist, and still love to play these rhythms!! In fact, I now spend more time showing my 2yo son how to play Rush's Tom Sawyer!
5) To my wife's dismay, I love scuba diving with sharks! I have been from Costa Rica to Indonesia to share a swim with them.
Before tagging someone else, I have to say that the curious person that I am (that you knew) needed to find where the "5 things you didn't know about me" game started from... Here is my tag's genealogy:
A) Simon Fodden was tagged by:
B) Steve Matthews, AKA VancouverLawLibririan, was tagged by:
C) Jim Milles was tagged by:
D) Jennimi was tagged by:
E) Darren was tagged by:
F) Michael Stephen was tagged by:
G) Phil Bradley was tagged by:
H) Daggle was tagged by:
I) "multiple people...". Notwithstanding the fact that I will probably never know where my tag really comes from, at least Daggle was nice enough to point me toward the Blog Tag Tree and links to many search marketers who have been tagged. It seems librarians and legal tag originates in the marketer branch...
Therefore, I will tag forward :
I) In English:
a) Dennis Kennedy
b) Rob Hyndman
II) En français:
a) Michel Leblanc (retour aux marketers!)
b) Vincent Gautrais
c) Nathalie Gauthier
Bonne année à tous!
PS Simon, you still have to tag four persons!!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
I got tagged!
Posted by
Dominic Jaar
12:47 p.m.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Morgan Stanley part ? To be continued!
La livraison du 20 décembre 2006 du NYT nous apprend qu'une fois de plus, Morgan Stanley a des problèmes liés à la gestion de ses documents électroniques... Après avoir payé 15M$ à la SEC en guise de règlement pour une affaire liée à la non-production de courriels, de même qu'un juteux 1.45 milliards pour, entre autres, ce même motif, voilà que MS est à nouveau accusée de ne pas divulguer certains courriels dans le cadre d'enquête ou de carrément mentir en alléguant qu'ils ont été détruits lors des événements du 911! Comme s'il n'y avait jamais eu de cassette de sauvegarde (backup tapes)...
La NASD accuse aussi MS de ne pas vérifier sur les postes de travail individuel afin de s'assurer que des courriels ne s'y trouvent pas. En fait, tout le monde sait que le coût de telles démarches seraient prohibitives mais, ce qui m'intriguent est que peu d'entreprise se dote d'un système de gestion documentaire qui éviterait ces coûteuses recherches... et ces pénalités!
Pour plus de détails, veuillez consulter le communiqué de presse de la NASD.
Posted by
Dominic Jaar
8:24 p.m.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
After the Ambrogis, the DKs!
Congrats to all, Slaw won for REAL! Indeed, Slaw is mentionned in DennisKennedy's blog post The 2006 Blawggies: Dennis Kennedy's Best Law-related Blogging Awards as "Best Legal Blog Category - Law Librarian Blogs and Canadian Law-related Blogs (Tie)".
Moreover, in that same category, our fellows Vancouver Law Library Blog and Connie Crosby are winners with Rob Hyndman. I totally agree with DK: you're terrific voices out there!
Here is what DK has to say:
I remain a huge fan of law librarian bloggers and enjoyed getting the chance to meet some of them during their convention in St. Louis this summer. As I said last year, "across the board, these blogs have developed into strong information resources, often with links to primary source information that I'm not sure how I would find otherwise." Anyone else notice in the past year that more and more of the law blogs you read regularly are based in Canada? There's great work being done north of the border. Let me mention Rob Hyndman, Vancouver Law Library Blog, Connie Crosby and for starters.
From DK's winners list, I note that we all end up reading the same blogs: survival of the fittest they say! I better stop working and spend more time on my blog if I want to survive...
Steven, this time, Slaw deserves a nice crest... I am fed up with the Ambrogi as my background!
E-discovery search engine
Slaw on WIM
ABA Techshow on WIM
WIM in the news!
- What about clients?
- Vancouver Law Librarian Blog: Canadian Law Blogs List
- Van Bussel Document Services
- The General Counsel LLC
- TechnoLawyer Blog
- Slaw : Vicariously Experiencing ABA TechShow
- Philippe G. (P'tit gars de Shawinigan)
- Palais de Web-Justice
- P.I.S.S.D. -- Personal Injury, Social Security, Disability: Link of the Day
- Noms de domaine hilarants
- Michel Leblanc: Yulbiz le 27 mars, un an déjà !
- Law is cool
- La pub et le droit: Colloque 2007 - Conférence Leg@l.TI
- Jim Calloway's Law Practice Tips Blog: My Report About ABA TECHSHOW 2007
- Inter Alia - Why You Should Attend ABA TECHSHOW 2008 -- Part 2
- Information Management Now: L’absence de blogues civilistes (commentaire)
- I am IM: 21st Century Information Management
- Fairness Fairy - Balancing News:Warman v. CRTC, Canada, Canadian Public and Free Speech
- Fadi Amine LAW
- f/k/a . . .:(sigh) it’s Love Litigating Lawyers Day
- All about information
- ABA Techshow Buzz
Blog Archive
- Le juge Hedges sort son bouquin sur l'E-discovery
- La gestion et la valorisation des documents electr...
- Le juge Scheindlin s'expose!
- Cordonnier mal chausse
- Toujours Zoho!
- CAIJ fait pour meriter cela?
- À vos marques, prêts, bloguez!
- McCarthy Tetrault demenage et epoussette
- Un procureur peut regarder les metadonnees des doc...
- Bob Dylan
- Le meilleur drog (blawg ou blogue juridique)
- "Paper-less translates to productivity plus"
- Noms de domaine hilarants
- Politique de retention documentaire - Document ret...
- La nouvelle Loi sur l’imputabilite fédérale
- L'obligation de conservation au Québec
- Un petit nobrainer: Coke Diet et Mentos
- Going Paperless - Canadian Lawyer Magazine
- Si un arbre tombe dans une foret virtuel, qui poss...
- Magog: L'écologie par ordinateur
- Départements juridiques vs les autres
- Law firms outsource - Les firmes d'avocats delegue...
- La saine administration de la justice: qu'en est-i...
- Techbooks Acquires Whitmont Legal Technologies, Inc.
- Acrobat 8 Legal eSeminar on 10/24
- View from the Bench on Emerging Judicial Considera...
- Dominic Jaar: Understanding and managing E-docs an...
- John M. Hodgens, Jr: Effective E-mail Management
- William Platt: E-Discovery & Cost Containment
- Gene Stavrou: Working with IT departments for liti...
- Kelly Friedman: Electronic Retention Policy
- Document retention and E-discovery: best practices...
- Nouvelles règles de la Cour suprême du Canada